Today Was A Good Day

Well it was except for being attacked by a mad rabbit…
…and then finding a dead rat only six inches from my bare foot when taking in the washing in the dark. Day one. Another nine to go.

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Alice in Wonderland is an activity trail for youngsters in the RHS garden at Wisley. Inspired by the Lewis Carroll novel first published 150 years ago, the Top Terrace takes you on a journey into Wonderland. At one end is the Queen of Heart’s geometric red and white garden, mushroom sculptures pop up through the bedding and the White Rabbit directs you towards dream-like Wonderland. I had a great time discovering the ‘Alice’ sculptures on one of the hottest days this year!

The Queen of Hearts
The Queen of Hearts

Today was a good day

WPC asks you to create a slideshow using Mesh. As someone who doesn’t use APPS or indeed have a smart phone and who is paranoid about sharing too much data with anyone or anything in the public sphere, I have used the slideshow that comes with WP. Suits me fine and a change from my usual galleries.

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I have lived in the UK for most of my life, but when young I definitely had wanderlust and even ended up living in South Africa for several years which was a wonderful experience. I now look forward to a long and leisurely retirement doing what I like most - gardening, photography, walking and travelling.

67 thoughts on “Today Was A Good Day”

  1. You have done Wisley and the Alice trail proud Jude, I knew you would! (I had to wait to get back on my old laptop to view your slide show – it wouldn’t show up on my ipad). You certainly found more of the characters than me – and were lucky with the sunshine. Hope your pet sitting is going well…

    1. I wonder why WP slideahows don’t show on ipads? Perhaps that is why they are promoting the Mesh App. I didn’t find the white rabbit though 😦

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