Travel Theme: Endearing


adjective: endearing
  1. inspiring affection.
    “an endearing little grin”
    “hedgehogs are endearing creatures”
    synonyms: lovable, adorable, cute, sweet, dear, delightful, lovely, charming,appealing, attractive, engaging, winning, captivating, enchanting, beguiling,winsome;

    OK children, gather round, we are going to visit BodiamΒ castle


    See, it’s really easy, we just follow the Humans over the bridge, no need to be afraid of all that water.


    Best foot forward…


    stay together now


    Oh, dear,Β there’s always ONE who falls in.


Β Aw, come on, he is rather cute don’t you think?

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I have lived in the UK for most of my life, but when young I definitely had wanderlust and even ended up living in South Africa for several years which was a wonderful experience. I now look forward to a long and leisurely retirement doing what I like most - gardening, photography, walking and travelling.

22 thoughts on “Travel Theme: Endearing”

  1. I love Bodiam. One of the places that I often visited when I lived in London, along with Leeds Castle, and Hever Castle. Good ducks too!
    Regards as always, Pete. x

    1. I’ll do a post on Bodiam soon. Never been to the others though I’d like to visit Hever, not sure about Leeds Castle – it is expensive.

    1. It was so funny to see them waddling over the bridge instead of taking to the water. Glad you enjoyed the pics!

  2. Gosh, Jude – that’s about the most endearing series of pic.s I’ve seen in a day’s march !!! I am a passionate fan of duckywuckies at the best of times; and this lot just about take the cake.
    AND a castle, as well !!!!

  3. Ahh…Bodhiam Castle, a place I know well! And as for these ducklings, they are gorgeous!! I want them…did you bring them home with you?? πŸ˜‰

    1. Can’t think why we’ve never stopped at Bodiam before, but it was a lovely day out on the steam train. I would have loved to have brought them home, but I suspect their mother and aunties might have had something to say about it πŸ˜‰

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